Karakteristik Sensori Nasi dari Beberapa Varietas Padi Aromatik Lokal Indonesia

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C. Hanny Wijaya
Hafida Kusumaningrum
Bram Kusbiantoro
Dody D. Handoko


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan karakteristik sensori beberapa padi aromatik dengan pendekatan uji hedonik, uji ranking dan uji deskriptif. Uji deskriptif dilakukan dengan diskusi dalam fokus grup (focus group discussion) dan Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA). Rojolele, Sintanur, Situ Patenggang, Pandan Wangi Garut dan Pandan Wangi Cianjur digunakan sebagai sampel padi aromatik asli Indonesia dan beras Basmati digunakan sebagai pembanding. Berdasarkan uji hedonik, pada atribut aroma, semua nasi tidak berbeda nyata, sedangkan pada atribut rasa nasi Rojolele memiliki skor kesukaan tertinggi. Pada uji ranking nasi Rojolele menempati urutan pertama, diikuti Sintanur, Pandan Wangi Garut, Pandan Wangi Cianjur, dan Basmati. Hasil diskusi focus group menunjukkan bahwa untuk atribut aroma semua sampel nasi memiliki aroma pandan, creamy, buttery, sweet, dan cereal, sedangkan untuk atribut rasa, semua sampel nasi mempunyai rasa manis dan asin. Berdasarkan intepretasi dari biplot Principal Component 1 (PC 1) dan PC 2 hasil QDA, nasi Pandan Wangi Garut dapat dicirikan oleh aroma pandan. Nasi Rojolele, Sintanur, dan Situ Patenggang berada dalam kelompok yang sama dan dapat dicirikan oleh aroma creamy. Nasi Pandan Wangi Cianjur dan Basmati dapat dicirikan oleh aroma buttery, cereal dan sweet. Namun, rasa manis dan asin tidak bisa mencirikan atau mendiskripsikan rasa sampel nasi.

This research is aimed to determine sensory characteristics of several varieties of Indonesian aromatic paddy using the approaches of hedonic test, ranking test, and descriptive analysis. Descriptive analysis is conducted using focused group discussion (FGD) and quantitative descriptive analysis (QDA). Rojolele, Sintanur, Situ Patenggang, Pandan Wangi Garut and Pandan Wangi Cianjur are used as samples of Indonesian aromatic paddy, whereas Basmati rice is used as the comparator. Based on hedonic test, the results show that all cooked rice does not have significant differences in aroma, but cooked rice of Rojolele has the highest score in taste attribute. In the ranking test, cooked rice of Rojolele gains the first rank, followed by Sintanur, Pandan Wangi Garut, Pandan Wangi Cianjur, and Basmati. The result of FGD shows that in term of aroma attributes, all samples of cooked rice have the aromas of pandan, creamy, buttery, sweet, and cereal, whilst in term of taste attributes, they contain sweet and salty tastes. Based on the biplot Principal Component 1 (PC 1) and PC 2, cooked rice of Pandan-Wangi Garut could be distinguished by its pandan aroma. Cooked rice of Rojolele, Sintanur, and Situ Patenggang is clustered in one or the same group and could be distinguished by its creamy aroma. Cooked rice of Pandan Wangi Cianjur and Basmati could be described by its buttery, cereal and sweet aromas. However, the taste of the cooked rice samples could not be distinguished or described by their sweet and salty


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Author Biographies

C. Hanny Wijaya

Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan, FATETA IPB

Hafida Kusumaningrum

Alumni Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan, FATETA IPB

Bram Kusbiantoro

Balai Besar Penelitian Tanaman Padi, Badan Litbang Pertanian

Dody D. Handoko

Balai Besar Penelitian Tanaman Padi, Badan Litbang Pertanian


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