Pengaruh Penambahan Berbagai Jenis Gula terhadap Kualitas Keju Analog dari Campuran Susu dan Sari Kedelai ( The Effect of Various Types of Sugar Addition on the Quality of Cheese Analog from a Mixture of Cow's Milk and Soy Milk)
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Keju analog dari campuran susu sapi dan sari kedelai telah dipelajari secara laboratoris. Pembuatan keju mengadopsi prosedur pembuatan keju Cheddar dengan mengganti rennet dengan ekstrak jeruk nipis sebagai sumber asam dan sebagai bahan penggumpal. Pada proses pembuatan keju, glukosa, sukrosa, atau madu ditambahkan, masing-masing dilakukan pada percobaan yang berbeda. Lactobacillus casei juga ditambahkan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan glukosa, sukrosa, dan madu terhadap kualitas kimiawi dan sensoris keju analog. Hasilnya menunjukkan rendemen keju analog tertinggi diperoleh jika glukosa ditambahkan pada proses pembuatannya. Kadar protein dan lisin tersedia tertinggi juga diperoleh jika glukosa ditambahkan pada proses pembuatan keju analog. Kadar lemak tertinggi diperoleh jika madu ditambahkan. Perbedaan jenis gula, yaituglukosa, sukrosa, dan madu, tidak berpengaruh pada penerimaan panelis atas dasar kesukaannya terhadap semua atribut sensori.
Cheese analog from a mixture of cow's milk and soy milk has been made in laboratory experiment Theprocessing of cheese was adopted from a procedure of making Cheddarcheese in which rennet was substituted by lemon extractused as acid source as wellas a coagulant whereas Lactobacillus casei was also added. Glucose, sucrose, and honey were added in separated experiments. Thisresearch was aimed to analyze the effect of usingglucose, sucrose, and honey on the chemicaland sensory of cheese analog. The highest yield was found in cheese analog where glucose was used in Its processing. The highest protein and available lysine contents were also found in cheese analog when glucose was added. The highest fat contentof cheese analog was found whenhoney was added. Glucose, sucrose, and honey did not affecton the acceptance of panelists based on their preferences to all atributes of sensory properties.
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